Curriculum Vitae

Gianni Zorzi, Ph.D.


Ph.D. in Finance (Corporate Finance, Financial Markets, Insurance), University of Trieste (Italy, April 2010). Thesis: Optimization of ETF portfolios under a fee-only financial planning approach

Master Degree in Corporate Economics, University of Udine (Italy, October 2005). Thesis: The e-government process in the Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia: organizational and communication issues

Current positions

Independent financial analyst and advisor (since February 2006)

As an independent professional, I am offering training, financial analysis and advisory services to natural persons, companies, associations and other non-profit organizations. Those services are offered on an independent basis and they include analysis of financing and investment deals and operations, such as mortgases, financial lease operations, current accounts, bank overdrafts. I am issuing formal opinions and technical reports on an accounting and financial maths basis, both on financing an investments operations. I also take technical expert and consultancy charges in court litigations as well as special proxies for ADRs in banking and finance litigations. On the other hand, I help SMEs and large business in developing their own business plan and I give support to their strategical decisions. In addition, I can give support in financing operations with banking and other financial intermediaries, also thanks to a wide range of cooperations with well-known and high profile professionals specialized in accounting, fiscal and law matters.

Canary Wharf, London, 2017

Compliance Officer (since February 2013)

At modefinance srl (Trieste, Italy), credit rating agency registered under Reg. (EC) 1060/2009 (CRAR), I cover the position of compliance officer. I materially have helped modefinance in successfully completing the registration process in July 2015.

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), Paris, 2015

Professor at University (since March 2008)

After several classes in Corporate Finance courses throughout 2008-2012, since 2016 I am lecturer of Corporate and Group Finance course (48 hours), at the second year of Master Degree in Corporate Economics, at the University of Udine.

University of Udine, Italy, 2018

Independent Expert (since December 2017)

I am nominated as SME Independent Expert at the European Commission, under Research Executive Agency (REA). Under the tasks I was given, I have completed dozens of Independent Expert Reports under “Horizon 2020” programme.

Brussels, 2018

Other current positions

Consultant and expert for banking and insurance operations (since 2010) As a volunteer at Federconsumatori FVG, an Italian consumer association, since 2010 I regularly assist people in their relationships with banking and finance institutions, as well as insurances.

Researcher and consultant for financial area (since 2014) Since its foundation (2014), as a researcher of finance at Centro Studi ImpresaLavoro (Udine and Rome, Italy), I have authored several studies and research papers in the field of public finance, pensions, taxes, as well as on the banking and financial system.

Main past activities

  • Professor of Corporate Finance and Financial Markets (2008-2014) Int’l Master in Banking & Entrepreneurship
  • Teacher and assistant (2006-2018) in training activities for several non-financial companies and banks
  • Member of the Board of Directors (2009-2010) of the European Association of Credit Rating Agencies
  • Researcher and senior financial analyst (2005-2010) Capp&CAPP Research Centre and Credit Rating Agency

Personal skills, competencies and other interests

Professional skills and interests: Teaching, researching, publications, technical reports, articles and content for media. Analyzing companies‘ economics and financials, risk management, analysis and portfolio management with ETFs and investment certificates. National, European and International regulations, Italian ADRs in banking, finance and insurance contracts.

Limitations:My clients are generally natural persons, non-financial companies, public entities, associations, education and research centers. In order to avoid potential conflicts of interests I can not be in charge of political offices, or any other office in benefit of banks, asset managers, insurances, that could materially impair my independence.

Language and IT skills:My mother tongue is Italian but I’m very comfortable and fluent in speaking and writing in English, at professional level. I also speak some Spanish and German. I have good experience in programming, database management systems, CMS for professional websites.

Leisure time and lifestyle:During high school I successfully participated in mathletes competitions – Math olympics (between 1995 and 1999 I won more than once at high school/local level and I was finalist at Italian level). I am very fond of travelling, technology, media and sports. I also played guitar and bass, and composed electronic music in late 90s.